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7 Best Filling Foods For Weight Loss (1200 × 630 px) (1)
Seven Best Filling Foods for Weight Loss
Everybody wants to lose weight as their New Year resolution. . . oh, just me? 80% of the work done for weight loss will start in the kitchen. That is why I will share the best-filling foods that...
7 Foods That Are Bad For Weight Loss (1)
7 Food Reasons Why you can't Lose Belly Fat
Some foods are more likely to lead to the overconsumption of calories. Which causes an increase in belly fat. With overconsumption comes a bigger and bigger stomach. No, this post is not to body shame...
Seven Foodd
Seven foods to Help Skyrocket Your Weight Loss
I have been struggling with my weight the last few years, which has brought me to find foods and proper exercise to help me with my weight loss journey. These foods below have helped me, and I felt...
6 tips to better Discipline Your Child (1200 × 630 px)
6 Tips to Better Discipline your child
SHUT THE HELL UP WHEN I’M TALKING Words that I constantly heard growing up from my mother and parents around me. Years of this and you will see that a child eventually grows up to supress their...