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6 Ways to spend your tax refund (1200 × 630 px)
I know that some of you who are reading this article expect tax refunds either as a check or a direct deposit. I hope I can give you some good tips for using your tax refund better.  A tax refund check...
5 side hustles to try as a designer (1200 × 630 px)
5 Side Hustles That Can Earn You Extra Income
According to bankrate, 45% of people in the USA report having a side hustle which is about 70 million people. On top of that over 50% of them of those people are millennials (born 1981 -1996) With...
5 Investing MIstakes You COuld Be Making
5 Investing Mistakes You Could Be Making Right Now
Ok, let me get this out there investing mistakes are invetiable but they are easier to avoid if you see what mistakes others have made. Investing sounds scary to many millennials that I know. Of course,...
5 Ways To Spend Less Money (1)
5 Ways To Spend Less Money
Having a family of five with one income is extremely tough. Sometimes it is hard to spend less. Especially with convenience at every turn, and telling the kids no is no easy task either, lol. After...