Seven Best Filling Foods for Weight Loss

Everybody wants to lose weight as their New Year resolution. . . oh, just me?

80% of the work done for weight loss will start in the kitchen.

That is why I will share the best-filling foods that will help you.


Yes, watermelon. Fruit is what people limit when they are on a diet simply because they are afraid of its sugars.

Besides vegetables, the fruit has the least amount of calories to eat. Peep this, most of the watermelon is water 90%.

This is why you can have a cup of watermelon and only consume around 40 calories. I find myself feeling up on this quickly. 

Hot Peppers 

Why did you ask? Peppers are known to be high in capsaicin which has been shown to speed up metabolism and prevent overeating. Studies show that peppers reduce appetite; a study shows one set of people ate dinner with a small number of hot peppers.

At the same time, another group of people had salsa instead. The people with the peppers ended up eating fewer calories on their next meal.


Potatoes get a bad rep for causing weight gain. If the potatoes are not filled with butter, gravy, and cream cheese.

You can save yourself a lot of calories, honestly. It is incredibly filling if you bake or boil potatoes, especially if you eat the whole potato. 


Another one is oatmeal.

I know everybody has to know this, right? Strong men have been using this for years.

They are high in fiber and very filling, and they can soak up water as well; the fiber will help you stay fuller for longer. Stay with the plain oats, not the flavored oats.

Because of the flavors, it can give you more sugar and carbs that you don’t need.  


Veggies, of course, you knew veggies were going to be on this list.

I could list all of them, but this would be an extra-long post about veggies, so with that said, we will focus on a couple that can help you become whole.

Celery, Cucumbers, spinach, and lettuce. They are low in calories; for instance, 100 grams of celery is only eight calories.

So a two for one healthy full of vitamins and minerals fill you up, or you’ll get tired of chewing like me 😊.  


Berries, enough said, lol, but for real though berries, for instance, raspberries and blackberries are lower in carbs than any other fruit and they are full of fiber which keeps you full for longer. On top of that, berries are why I stop eating candy, taste, and filling.


Last and not Least is soup, but the kicker here is that it has to be full of vegetables and protein. Outside of the fiber and high protein, they are primarily liquid, which will help fill up your stomach and decrease your appetite.  

Thanks for reading the I hope this helps you in your weight loss journey! If you have any other filling foods to add then drop a comment below!

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